Coaching mit Millennials

Die Worte von Luke nach einem 10-tägigen Workshop:

“My 10-day workshop in Hamburg with Christian was one of the most life changing periods in my life. Through numerous exercises, readings and pieces of advice my perspective on what I was capable of improved drastically. Christian’s use of group and individual conversations was able to deepen and catalyse my process of self-discovery drastically, specifically into my strengths and desired path of growth. These conversations were furthered through the use of visualisations of oneself in their optimal future, something that has hugely benefited my life ever since I first learned it with Christian.

These daily activities were performed in conjunction with some less frequent ones such as planning out my ideal day, creating vision boards (pinboards containing anything related to your ideal future) and creating actionable plans for future growth in numerous areas of my life. There was a lot of emphasis on ensuring that these growth plans were created and executed on with coherence. This refers to doing things and living life in a way that aligns with one’s deep inner voice. Alignment with this inner voice varies from person to person, some may be led on a path of creativity, while others may be helped on a more logical one. The way one decides to live life is completely personal but something that I learned through Christian is that listening to this deeply loving inner voice is a sure way to live lovingly and positively. I learned from Christian that alignment to this inner voice starts with positive and loving thought, something that is far too often overlooked but can never be overestimated.”

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